It’s always been a fantasy; here’s a photograph of a pin up model alongside the final illustration, taken from this article.

It’s always been a fantasy; here’s a photograph of a pin up model alongside the final illustration, taken from this article.

Hello hello AI obsessives — we have a couple of treats for you this month.

As mentioned last month, we built an advanced retrieval bot for called Try it out now! are experts in trusted philanthropy, so you can ask about anything in their rich knowledge base about giving effectively. Let us know what you think in the comments or by hitting reply.

Also, just a reminder about our new course, AI Agent Design, starting July 9th: This course is about the cutting edge of generative AI — what will be mature and a part of everyone’s life 6-12 months from now. We’ll be using experimental tools and workflows that others aren’t looking at yet.

I’ll be honest — if you want genAI “tips and tricks” that work 100% of the time, immediately, today, there are lots of free courses you could be taking. We even have resources for this on our site. But if you want to be prepared for what is coming next year, we’ve developed some of the best emerging concepts for how to start thinking about working and building in this space.

[Click here to prepare for the future of AI]

The main event today, though, is an interview I did with a Not Safe For Work creator who works online using platforms such as OnlyFans. I sat down with her to chat about her experiences in using an AI chat bot, trained specifically on her NSFW content and DMs, to scale up her business providing sexual chats and media to her subscribers.

This was an incredibly enlightening conversation — first of all I learned a lot about the kinds of business models that are used in this kind of work, which I knew very little about. It was then really interesting to learn how gen AI fitted into that, and how it helps her continue to maintain her online persona with her regular fans and subscribers, in what she referred to as “connection craft”. She made some very pertinent points about what attraction is, and the kinds of fantasies that people lose themselves in when engaging with her and her work.

Also, to not bury the lede — using generative AI has increased her income by about 300%. Yes, that is the correct number of zeros.

Her personalized chatbot not only emulates her tone, but also upsells videos, and comes up with prices on the fly based on what certain users had paid in the past. You can read the transcript below — it’s pretty long but it’s a fantastic conversation, and I hope you find it as interesting as I did. Here’s one of the best quotes from the interview: